
In an innovative partnership, Tokyo Digital and Bigballs played an integral role in crafting a specialized microsite and game for Oakley. The goal was to ignite a sense of competition and encourage social sharing, integrating subtle social elements to customize the interactive gaming journey.

Bigballs invited Tokyo Digital to help them realize one of their most daring concepts.

Oakley, a high-end sportswear brand renowned for sponsoring top-tier athletes, wanted a trailblazing campaign to highlight their products. Recognizing that the unique personalities of these sports stars were essential to their campaign, Oakley aspired for more than mere standard advertising methods. The campaign had to represent Oakley's philosophy of risk and innovation, outshining typical marketing strategies.

Our approach with Oakley You Vs was to transform the gaming journey, shifting from conventional, fixed gaming designs to a vibrant, genuine interaction.

Designed to challenge, Oakley You Vs requires strategic thinking equivalent to a world-class athlete. Swift, accurate decision-making is crucial, with the game's intense pressure and possible collisions provoking players' competitive instincts. We enhanced the game with subtle social components, making it deeply personal and interactive. This ensured that sharing the hard-won victories in the game became a rewarding experience for users.

Embedding branded elements in a game can dramatically improve brand awareness. Players encounter the brand throughout the gameplay, leading to improved recall and recognition.

Associating their brand with an exhilarating and enjoyable gaming experience, companies can foster positive impressions in the minds of consumers. Players may view the brand as more progressive, engaging, and customer-focused.

Digital games can reach a broad audience, including groups who may not usually engage with traditional advertising. Companies can customize their games to target specific demographics, making sure their message resonates with the intended audience.

Games provide crucial data on player behavior, preferences, and demographics. Companies can exploit this data to glean insights into their target market, fine-tune their marketing strategies, and create more personalized experiences.

Engrossing and shareable gaming experiences can rapidly spread via social media channels, extending the reach of branded content. Players might share their accomplishments, high scores, or experiences with their network, leading to natural promotion of the brand.

A well-constructed and pleasurable gaming experience can cultivate long-term brand loyalty among players. By delivering value and entertainment, brands can forge stronger bonds with their audience, leading to repeat purchases and advocacy.

In conclusion, digital games within branded content provide a distinct and potent method for brands to engage with consumers, enhance brand awareness, and achieve business goals in the digital era.



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